Join the IBS Proof Program

Achieve long term relief from your IBS symptoms without restrictive diets! 

Don't let IBS hold you back anymore!

Popular IBS protocols may help reduce symptoms temporarily, but they are often unsustainable and fail to produce long term IBS remission. 

IBS is a fancy label for an irritated gut! It effects about 10% of the population. And unfortunately, too many IBS sufferers are suffering without a practical and sustainable solutions. Both conventional and functional/holistic approaches to IBS fall flat most of the time. 

The conventional approach typically doesn't provide enough support for IBS patients--many GI docs are often just happy that their is nothing more serious causing the symptoms like IBD or cancer and are almost relieved to tell patients that its "just IBS". But, beyond ruling out more serious issues, the conventional model fails to provide necessary diet and lifestyle guidance that is pivotal for beating IBS for good. 

Many frustrated IBS sufferers then turn to the functional and holistic space for more support and to dig to the root cause of their IBS. I was drawn to this model as an IBS patient as well. While I connect with the core philosophy of functional medicine to find and address root causes, I rarely TRUE root causal work being practiced in this field. 

Instead, functional medicine is so caught up in expensive testing that is often unvalidated, extremely restrictive diets that lead to malnutrition and supplement overload. Usually functional medicine approaches cause more harm than help to my IBS patients. 

It is not uncommon for my IBS patients to feel helpless by the time they find me. They feel that they have tried many different approaches and haven't made progress. You may be feeling a bit hopeless yourself. But, there are strategies that work. There is a better way! 

Many IBS protocols simply fail to provide relief long term.  You are not broken--the protocols and strategies you have tried were not the right tools for long term relief. For instance, diets like low FODMAP are popular and can reduce symptoms short term, but can often lead to more issues long term like nutrient deficiencies, food fears, stress and harmful microbiome changes. 

I created the IBS Proof Plan Program to provide you with the right tools for long term relief. This 8 week program walks you through a step by step process toward long term IBS relief. This program focuses primarily on addressing the root cause of IBS: gut brain axis dysfunction. Strategies that repair the connection between the gut and the brain will lead to long term IBS success! 

Does your life revolve around managing your IBS symptoms?  

Imagine what life would be like if IBS was not in the picture. 

You know that IBS freedom exists, but you are not sure how to address your root causes. You have tried many strategies without much success so you are feeling discouraged. You may wonder...will I have these symptoms forever? 

Imagine feeling confident in your IBS strategies. Not second guessing the foods that you are eating or the supplements that you are taken. 

Imagine the peace you will feel knowing what you are addressing the root cause of IBS and not band aiding symptoms.

Imagine having the support of an expert--no more confusion from differing opinions online or providers with limited IBS experience. 

Imagine the freedom of not worrying about IBS relapse. Imagine being able to trust your gut and know it will do it's job. 

Imagine a tribe of other IBS warriors that can help support you through your IBS journey. 

It IS possible to find long term relief from IBS. You don't have to deal with IBS forever. I am here to show you how to find long term IBS relief.

Hi, I'm Amy Hollenkamp, MS, RD

I am a fun loving and quirky dietitian, podcaster (the IBS Freedom podcast) and former blogger at the SIBO Diaries. I have a passion for helping IBS sufferers find long term relief from their gut symptoms.

As a former IBS sufferer myself, I know first hand how debilitating IBS can be to your overall health and well being. 

When I had IBS, I was the perfect patient. I followed my practitioners protocols to a tee. I went on a very restrictive SIBO diet for months and took multiple rounds of both herbal and pharmaceutical antibiotics. 

These interventions gave me some relief at first, but overtime I started to develop new and worsening symptoms. I was so frustrated. I started to lose hope and believed that I would have IBS forever. 

I decided I wasn't going to go down without a fight, so I spent years becoming a IBS expert. I knew in my heart that I could solve my IBS if I could just figure out how to address my root causes. 

I made many mistakes in my own IBS journey that I want to prevent you from making. I didn't progress until I ditched the restrictive diets and aggressive clearing protocols for a root focused approach. 

As a practitioner, I use a root cause approach with my one-on-one clients to help them achieve long term relief from their IBS and SIBO. I designed the IBS Proof Plan Program because I saw a need for a root based online program that provided practical and sustainable long term solutions for IBS  I am thrilled that I get to help and support more people through their IBS journeys


Break free from chronic IBS

Discover the step by step program that provides practical and sustainable tools to help you conquer your IBS for good without restrictive diets 

Break Free From Chronic IBS

I designed The IBS Proof Plan Program to empower you to take your IBS into your own hands. You are not broken. Your gut likely just needs a little more TLC to help resolve it's "irritable" nature. This program provides you with all the tools to nurture and strengthen your gut-brain axis.

Are you frustrated that your IBS  symptoms will not go away even with a strict diets and lots of IBS protocols? 

Do you desire the freedom of a life without chronic gut symptoms holding you back? 

Are you ready to take the next step toward long term IBS relief? 

Have you been diagnosed with SIBO and have been unresponsive to SIBO treatments? 

Then, you are definitely in the right place, friend!

Imagine what it would be like to: 

  • To have the knowledge to find the right diet for your body versus following a list of yes and no foods
  • To stop wasting money on every "magic" bullet diet or supplement that gets thrown your way
  • To have peace of mind and confidence in a root focused IBS plan.
  • To spend less time and energy on diet perfection and more time on other root focused strategies
  • To feel supported by a root focused tribe that can help you through your IBS journey
  • To feel confident that you won't relapse
  • To become your own IBS expert and not feel reliant on practitioners that don't know how to help you
  • To spend less time thinking about IBS and more time getting back to your hobbies and passions

All this (and more) is possible for you when you Join the IBS Proof Plan Program

Program Details

Join by July 15th

The program will have 8 weeks of LIVE group calls with Amy. Calls will be held every Wednesday at 3pm EST starting on July 17th. During each weekly call, Amy will walk you through each step of the IBS proof plan process. It is best to be on the calls live as you can have important questions answered. But, if you miss a call--each call is recorded and you can watch the replays. 

For individual support, 4 office hour sessions

In addition to the live calls, Amy will also be providing 4 office hour sessions where you can drop in and you can recieve additional support and clarity from Amy for questions or barriers that come up when you work your way through the program. These will take place on Fridays and will be scheduled bi-weekly. 

Spots are limited

I love small group sizes as it provides a great community for support but also allows for some individualized attention that can help tweak the program for your individual needs. I find that program sizes of 10-12 are optimal for group coaching. Because of limited space, spots will be first come, first serve. 

What does the Process look like?

The IBS Proof Plan Roadmap

Join the 8 week program that will jump start your victory over IBS!

Here is a roadmap for the 8 weeks of the program: 

Week 1: Intro to IBS--a gut brain axis disorder not a food problem. Discover why many of the common food based approaches to IBS fall short and why focusing your efforts on strategies to reboot and strengthen your gut brain axis work best. Mindset Matters--will also be covered in week 1. Amy lays out how important your mindset is to beating IBS. Implement practical mindset tips that will help ensure success through the program. 

Week 2 and Week 3:  Nail your Nutrition-- Discover how to nourish your body to help optimize your digestion, motility and overall gut function. Will also discuss how to ditch food fears and reintroduce foods again. You can not beat IBS without proper nutrition. Period, end of story. Your gut brain axis needs to be nourished to function properly. 

Week 4: Leveraging your Lifestyle--Discover how to optimize sleep, stress management and movement to further IBS proof your gut. Like nutrition, these other lifestyle factors are deal breakers. 

Week 5: Double Down on your Digestion--Discover strategies to help you identify and support any digestive and motility insufficiencies while you are working on lifestyle factors. 

Week 6: Reboot Your Brain Gut Axis--Advanced Strategies--Discover evidence based strategies that will fine tune your gut brain axis. 

Week 7: Balance your Biome--Discover strategies to foster a healthy and happy microbiome. SIBO, dysbiosis and fungal overgrowths will be discussed and how best to move forward with strategies for these issues. 

Week 8: Fine Tuning: Hormones, Histamine, Liver Support--oh my! Discover any other variables that may be relevant to your case that need additional support. 

Who is this program for?

Who is a good fit for the IBS Proof Plan? This program is for you if: 

  • You struggle with bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and distension 
  • You have been diagnosed with SIBO, candida or other microbial disturbances 
  • You are looking to approach broaden your diet and conquer your food fears 
  • You are looking for a long term solution and sustainable solution and not a magic bullet 

Inside the IBS Proof Plan Program you will find....

You'll also receive...

Discounted 1-on-1 coaching sessions

Need some more hands on support with program materials? No problem! You will receive special pricing for 1 on 1 consults with Amy when you sign up for the Program. Amy can help you with more specific recommendations to help you overcome your IBS. 

What participants have said about past online programs (SIBO Root Cause Repair Program)...


"Having SIBO is extremely physically challenging and emotionally draining. Amy helps guide you through a tough time to uncover what is causing the SIBO in the first place so you can nip it in the bud. She is extremely knowledgeable, compassionate and responsive. I believe this program is a must for anyone suffering from SIBO."


"I have really enjoyed learning and finding new supplements that are more targeted to my issues. Since I have started the program, I have learned to become more patient with my progress and have reaped more benefits than I ever did being overly restricted. It has helped me to enjoy my wellness journey. Thank you Amy so much for putting together such a unique program!"


"Amy's program helped me to understand what might be behind my SIBO and what steps I can take to prevent relapse. She is very responsive, helpful, and friendly. Definitely what I needed after being treated a gastroenterologist who does not specialize in SIBO."


"This program has been so helpful for me! I've learned so many new things that I never learned after doing much of my own research. I'm finally starting to be able to slooowly introduce carbs back into my diet, which is something that I never dreamed I'd be able to do. I was always taught that I had to avoid virtually ALL carbohydrates, otherwise I'd only be feeding the problem. I finally feel like there's hope for me to start making progress in my healing journey. I highly recommend this program and working with Amy!!!"


"The SIBO Root Cause Repair program gave me the education and confidence that I could clear SIBO for good. Amy is a well-educated industry leader in the topic of SIBO - she clarifies many of the unanswered questions out there and challenges some of the generally accepted treatment practices. Amy's holistic approach supports true functional wellness, including physical, mental, and emotional health. An added bonus of the program is having the support of a community that understands what you're going through."


"I would highly recommend this program. Amy is very knowledgeable and generous with her knowledge. From taking this course I opened up several avenues of root causes to work on. This allowed me to be more informed and advocate for myself with my naturopath. I’m now working on several fronts and hope to dramatically improve my health."


"I'm so impressed with Amy's thoroughness and scope of knowledge when it comes to SIBO! I originally ran across her work through an article about how low carb diets can be bad for gut health, and because of her program, I started working on thyroid health, which has made a huge difference for me! I love the weekly format of SRCRP, and I've learned so much about supporting digestion, nutrition, liver, etc. I've also figured out how to use supplements to digest protein better which has been really hindering my progress. I feel like my sleep has also improved and I'm able to eat more foods."


"Amy's Root Cause Repair Program touched on every question I've ever had about SIBO and its causes and her specific recommendations were so helpful. The facebook support group also has been very informative and a great place to connect and share ideas. This has truly been the best information I've received about SIBO. I highly recommend Amy's program to anyone who's looking to get to the root of their SIBO."


"I really enjoyed the Sibo Repair class. Even though I felt like I already knew a lot, Amy managed to organize the information that is out there in a way that is clear, understandable and easy to take in. It is so easy to be so overwhelmed by everything SIBO and Amy helped me to figure out a new path. I now feel I have a step by step plan in place instead of just trying this or that randomly. I also can see what parts of treatment are relevant to me and which are not. Also learning about why SIBO diets are not the best treatment has lifted and enormous weight off me stress wise.

Pricing Options

Group Program


Price of the finalized program will be $999

8 weekly LIVE calls with Amy 

Office Hour sessions with Amy 

Handouts and worksheets

Discounted one-on-one pricing

Lifetime access to the community and later iterations of the program



Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes if can be hard to see yourself benefiting from an program. You might be worked for others, but will it work for me? 

There are 4 key factors that can help you determine if you are a great fit for the program. 

  1. A strong desire to repair your gut is VERY important!
  2. You must be willing and ready to make the changes recommended in the program.
  3. You must prioritize long term solutions versus quick fixes. You should be root focused and not chasing another restrictive diet or magic bullet supplement. 
  4. You must be willing to reach out for support when you are struggling, rather than giving up or quitting the program.

First, I think it is fantastic that you are working with a practitioner to conquer your IBS.  Because it means you’re someone who is committed to growing. And that means your success is inevitable!

The problem I see with many popular protocols delivered by doctors and other providers is that they fail to fully address root causes of IBS. 

The program can help fill in the root cause gaps that your practitioner might be missing. Many past program participants have found the program helps them collaborate better with their practitioners. 

If making an investment in this program is going to jeopardize your ability to pay rent or keep food on your table, it’s not the right time for you to join. However, if you can still cover your basic needs, and the program investment feels like a stretch, that’s actually a good thing!

We value the things that cost us. By investing in this program, you are acknowledging that you are WORTH the investment. 

In addition, this program can save you time, energy and MONEY in the long run by helping you make better decisions. 

I want you to have a great experience with the program. If you start the program and believe you are not a good fit, you can reach out to Amy and schedule a 15-20 minute call to discuss why you feel this way. Refunds will only be offered within the first 14 days of the program. 

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]


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